‘Challenges for offshore grids’
Offshore wind energy will bring a key contribution to reaching the objectives of the EU Green Deal. The integration of 300 GW offshore wind generation capacity into the energy system by 2050 raise new challenges for the European transmission system operators and more specific for their offshore grids. Through the EU Grid Action Plan, ENTSO-E’s and national TSOs’ plans reveal an increasing focus on offshore grid expansion.
The followings topics will be tackled by relevant speakers of offshore substation builders and transmission energy experts :
- Security and intrusion warning systems (NIS2)
- Regulation and standardization across borders
- High Voltage Direct Current offshore grids
- Energy islands and coordinated grid development
- Governance and responsibilities
- Digitization and data-driven asset management
In a concluding panel debat TSO’s of different European countries will discuss these operational challenges, best practices, and innovations in grid expansion and modernization.